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Quote: zooo @ September 16 2008, 12:14 AM BST

Some CERN ladies or something.

I got it from
Could be bollocks I suppose!

(There are some disturbing photos on there, if anyone follows the link. And some interesting ones.)

Wow those photos are crazy. I love the first photo ever.


Kitties!! Chess!!

It's better than I could have ever imagined!!!

But if you type in "pussy chess", then the results are of a different nature entirely.

Those are great, aren't they? :)

Night night!

Especially the kitten that caught a mouse. *dies from huggableness*

Night! Wave

Go me! I went for another long jog last night with the boyfriend and I feel good. Although, he's much fitter than me.

Nah. He can't possibly be fitter than you. :)

Oh well obviously in a hot sense he's not... but in a run for 45 minutes and not die way - he is!

Quote: EllieJP @ September 16 2008, 10:00 AM BST

Go me! I went for another long jog last night with the boyfriend and I feel good. Although, he's much fitter than me.

Yes, 'jog'. :)

We DID jog...


Outside for 45 minutes! ;)

You filthy bitch.

I didn't get that muddy.

I will upload the amazing picture of the school cat we took at break once I get them!

I'm ill again, by the way. :( How is this possible!?

You're like my receptionist - always ill! grrr

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