British Comedy Guide

NewsRevue again! Page 21

Might have a go, like.

Cool fancy some tips? God knows there's enough of them in the various threads.

I've been looking.
If you have any more you want to share with the proles, do feel free.

No sabotaging!

Definitely not songs.

I'm mortally wounded!

I'm the News Revue uncle.

I'd suggest puting stuff in critique.

Otherwise keep it short, go for a strong identifiable idea.

Don't soft peddle, there really is no taste barrier.

And go for an idea that is funny off the bat.

e.g. Big Brother with Osama Bin Laden on the run, or Sex in the City with Blair's babes.

Try and get a couple of stnadout funny lines.

One funny line can make a short sketch work.

Visual punchlines work very nicely indeed.

If William Hague is a punchline for a joke and he walks on it will get a laugh.

And my golden test if you can describe the sketch in one line to some one and they laugh. That's the money shot.

Quote: Griff @ September 14 2008, 10:28 PM BST

Do you prefer songs, one-liners, sketches or quickies?

That's what the escort agency asked me last night!

n.b. Zoo feel free me to PM me as well.

Are we degenerating into the C3PO and R2D2 of News Revue?

Bee boo pee boopy.

Artoo I don't think accusing the queen of being a sodomite, polygamist is topical or ironic.

Boopee doop.

Well screw you to, you malfunctioning sex aid.

n.b. want to join in Mikeyj you also have a fairly impressive hit rate.

Thanks for the help!

If I ever finish anything I might PM. Or not. Depending on the shitness of said thing.

Quote: Griff @ September 14 2008, 10:36 PM BST

Yep, PM them to Sooty too. That way you'll get two valuable sets of feedback. Sooty will provide hints on how they can be improved by the inclusion of dog rape and incest. Meanwhile, I will completely ignore the comedic point of your sketch and concentrate on your use of semicolons and dangling modifiers.

You did that gag as well?

You are a Gallifreyan with rubbish taste in jokes and I claim my five space dollars.

Quote: zooo @ September 14 2008, 10:40 PM BST

Thanks for the help!

If I ever finish anything I might PM. Or not. Depending on the shitness of said thing.

You'd be surprised by the quality of stuff that gets in and gets a laugh.

You need to check out the more sordid hits from my back cataloge.

Quote: Griff @ September 14 2008, 10:41 PM BST

*doesn't hold breath*

:D Wise move.


I am a master of Venusian Judo, and obscure Scifi references.

Quote: sootyj @ September 14 2008, 10:39 PM BST

n.b. want to join in Mikeyj you also have a fairly impressive hit rate.

(turns head around, at the bar, pissed as a newt) What? Eh? HIC! Did someone mention me???

Oh and talking of John Pertwee's Who: "We have to reverse the polarity on the neutron flow." :P

Regarding sketches, I think the best thing to do is to test them out in Critique.

I find several heads ripping apart one's comedic efforts most gratifying.
(hey, I almost sounded posh then, didn't I?)

He was the fightingest Dr there ever was.

He was always giving Venusian chops, and duffing up Sea Devils.

(puts hand up nervously) What's Tilt?
Or am I once again the only one who doesn't know?

Ah. Cheers.

Radio is one medium I've never really explored.

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