Wednesday 10th September 2008 5:13pm [Edited]
Royal Berkshire
69,991 posts
Quote: wonderboy85 @ September 10 2008, 1:54 PM BST
Hm. guess so. My, you are a mine of scheduling information!
Of course, there's the question of why it was After You've Gone that was moved. In which case your point comes back into play. Auntie's already shown huge faith in the series by commissioning 20 further episodes pretty much immediately after the second series had ended, so perhaps they reckon that Sunday slot will give it that greater amount of exposure to push the show further.
And the more successful the show, the better for all those involved I suspect. We all know of the stupid money flying around the set of My Family!
Quote: Jonwo @ September 10 2008, 2:00 PM BST
I think the descision to move to Sundays is mainly due to Coronation Street at 8.30pm which forced BBC One to move all comedies to 9-9.30pm.
Highly unlikely. How long has Coronation Street been in that slot? Let's go back in the schedules... *does time machine magic*
Friday 12th October 2007
BBC One - My Family (although a repeat)
ITV1 - Coronation Street
BBC One - After You've Gone
ITV1 - Coronation Street
And then they had HIGNFY and Not Going Out in the 21:00-22:00 slots up against The Tudors on BBC Two, and a 90-minute Rebus on ITV1.
They're not afraid of going head to head, certainly not with Coronation Street.
Quote: Jonwo @ September 10 2008, 2:00 PM BST
Also, Strictly Come Dancing results show airs on a Sunday which will provide a great lead in for AYG or Green Green Grass.
This of course is a good point.