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Ha - I can't really say it's not well known they're coming back.

Are you home yet, Finck, or are you still in McDonald's?


Quote: Graham Bandage @ September 9 2008, 10:53 AM BST

Are you home yet, Finck, or are you still in McDonald's?

I'm *still* at McDonald's. I'm engaged to the manager now. She's lovely.

How many stars have you got?

Quote: Finck @ September 9 2008, 10:54 AM BST


I'm *still* at McDonald's. I'm engaged to the manager now. She's lovely.

Awww bless you!

Ooooh I'm getting de ja vu about this conversation.

Should I be getting a déjà-vu about this, too? Erm...

I have to go now. Will be back tonight. Wave

Ah, isn't it lovely that Finck's checking in during her trip?

Quote: EllieJP @ September 9 2008, 10:56 AM BST

Awww bless you!

Ooooh I'm getting de ja vu about this conversation.

Yes, back to the band. Are you being all cool and, "yeah, seen it all before?" or are you squeeing like a Year Seven-er?

I did actually wee my pants a little bit, as I was their biggest fan when I was in secondary school!

Is it New Kids....? I saw them on tele this morning (though not really 'a band')

Quote: EllieJP @ September 9 2008, 10:53 AM BST

Ha - I can't really say it's not well known they're coming back.

The Beatles.

Quote: Finck @ September 9 2008, 10:54 AM BST

I'm *still* at McDonald's. I'm engaged to the manager now. She's lovely.

:D I'm coming up Central shortly. I'll pop in and wave to you. Pleased

Quote: Aaron @ September 9 2008, 11:25 AM BST

The Beatles.

Please, God, no.

Quote: Nil Putters @ September 9 2008, 11:25 AM BST

Is it New Kids....? I saw them on tele this morning (though not really 'a band')

No, we don't deal with "pretend bands".

Good, 'cause they're shit. :)

Arghhhhh... said lead singer, plus hot bassists just walked past my office and said hi.

*melts into chair*

I can't explain the childhood love I had of this band.

Did you tingle in your nethers?

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