British Comedy Guide

Hello my British friends! Page 2

meh. probably not do you use oil of oooooolay?

Quote: charley rance @ June 10, 2007, 3:34 PM

Incidently do you think I would need ID in CaliPORNia. I only ask because it would sooooooo make my day.

I'm guessing yes. Or at very least they'd watch closely which toilet you went into.

I think Aaron is suggestion sexual conduct in a public convience?

I'm suggesting they'd be unsure as to her gender.

Sorry, 'her' gender.

Hi there Luke and welcomeWave

Have fun!

Thank you to everyone! What a friendly bunch! I feel like I was born in the wrong country.

Oh, and here's a few of pictures for those who asked.
Sometimes I like writing on a typewriter. Why not?
We write comedy. We have to smile.

And then, just to let you all know...
King Freddie lives on!

Uh oh, Charley's randy now.

Typical American, always eating


Yeah, like I can talk, I'm eating right now. :P

Quote: Leevil @ June 10, 2007, 6:06 PM

Typical American, always eating


Yeah, like I can talk, I'm eating right now. :P

So sad...but so true...

I would just like to say, on behalf of everyone: hummina hummina.

Quote: Gavin @ June 10, 2007, 2:56 PM

and teenage pregnancy....

I went to California last year with work it was warm, I might of seen you what you look like? I was ID in every damn bar I went into you Curse my naturally youthful complexion and general gorgeousness.

Welcome pal is warm here pretty much year-round. Now that may sound nice, but it gets very old. We have no seasons. Well, I shouldn't say that. We have two seasons...Summer...and slightly cooler Summer. Forget about Spring, Autumn, and Winter.

Quote: zooo @ June 10, 2007, 6:15 PM

I would just like to say, on behalf of everyone: hummina hummina.

Does he make you horny baby, does he? Groovy!

Dear me. What did I get myself into?

It's best not to know. Just keep your guard up. It's not a question of IF, but WHEN.


OMG!!!! I lurrrrrrrrrrve you. Phwoargeous! *Rubbing myself with glee* Glee by the way is my fav. toy.

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