Alright guys Im new to the forums but iv been writing comedy since around March and ever since I finished university iv spazzed a lot of sheet out.
This site is really useful I'm glad I've found it....
Just wondered, as fellow writers what are you thoughts on the tension between plot advancement vs. joke one of my episodes the episode crescendos towards a nightclub scene but im suffering a bit of a guilty concscience for having a scene where it simply my main chracters sat chatting funny shite with his friends, I mean we do learn a lot about the chracters from the dialogue but it feels kinda self indulgent...I suppose I'm gona have to be my own judge.And ive just answered my own question..but still your thoughts are welcome
Also wondered if any of you guys knew of any special routine regards animated you suggest I should send them to the same companies as standard sitcoms? or does it open up new paths regards other companies i could approach?
I mean i think i could do it via the internet but i lack the skills and the vocal talent to pull off the chracters
Has anyone got any feedback from the BBC writersroom? I dont think my script made it through the door-postal issues...i think its been used as toliet roll...i still havent had the reciept thing sent to me and that was about a month and a bit ago.
How long do babycow take to get back?