British Comedy Guide

Mugs! Page 3

Maybe I should walk around with a cup over my face every day. :)

Quote: zooo @ August 28 2008, 8:00 PM BST

My bestest mugz.


A very blurry, and therefore postable, pic of me and my fave mug.


Whoa! Zooo!

Quote: zooo @ August 28 2008, 8:03 PM BST

Maybe I should walk around with a cup over my face every day. :)

Nooo, you should let us see the rest of you. You have nice eyes. Lovey

Quote: zooo @ August 28 2008, 8:03 PM BST

Maybe I should walk around with a cup over my face every day. :)

>_< Neveeeeer! I always knew you must be pretty, but you certainly can't deny it now.

... Well, a nice left eye anyways.

And nice hair too. :)

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ August 28 2008, 8:02 PM BST

But that quarter of you looks so very prettyful!

Agree. Blurry but nice. That's one sexy eye. :)

Nice mugs too. Tea I presume?

Nope. Lemonade for me today.

I don't drink Tea as all but bizarrely own over 10 mugs.

Oh and Rawr for Zooo's piccy.

Quote: zooo @ August 28 2008, 8:07 PM BST

Nope. Lemonade for me today.

Favourite glass then. It will need another photo, maybe of the right side. :)

@ Danny - It's not a tea thread, it's about your favourite drinking apparatus. Go for it!

Cloudy lemonade, Laura?

Quote: Aaron @ August 28 2008, 8:01 PM BST

Ahhh I seee. It sounds like 'archive' would be a far more fitting name for them, but I get the idea.

I think the word "archive" is sometimes part of the official name. They're basically museums, shrines, archives, arts centers, gift shops, philanthropic organizations and cemeteries all rolled into one.

Nixon's library is on the grounds of his childhood home. He was born in the home his father built from a Sears catalog kit and is buried just a few feet away.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ August 28 2008, 8:08 PM BST

Cloudy lemonade, Laura?


Quote: zooo @ August 28 2008, 8:09 PM BST


My favourite! Somehow reminds me of The Kinks!

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ August 28 2008, 8:10 PM BST

My favourite! Somehow reminds me of The Kinks!

Imagine drinking it in Waterloo, and watching the sunset.
But be careful, Kinks overload can cause death.

Then you'll not be at it all day and all of the night. ;)

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