Paul W
Wednesday 27th August 2008 12:11am
5,381 posts
Quote: Morrace @ August 26 2008, 4:12 PM BST
I think it needs cutting. I've edited and added to my favourite bits. Hope it helps.
1,2 1,2,3 I'm not testing the mic I'm just counting the number of people who've walked out already - for Christ's sake hear me out!
If you haven't noticed I'm tall. If a fat guy says to me (POINT AT FAT BLOKE IN AUDIENCE) you, for instance - "You're really tall that's fine - but if I tell HIM "You're really fat, Well, at best it's politically incorrect - at worst, he's sitting on my face!. ( TO FAT BLOKE IN AUDIENCE) Politically incorrect - or sitting on my face? (IN RESPONSE TO ANSWER) You would say that, wouldn't you!
Is Jesus the son of God or did Mary tell the best lie ever to Joseph as to why she was pregnant
If the Jeremy Kyle show had been created then it would have solved a lot of problems.
"Mary - you are a lying little toe-rag - the DNA test says that ........God..... is the father!"
That's my religious joke done - moving on......
It is absolutely impossible to buy presents for ginger people - not that I'd particularly WANT to. You can't please them at all can you? All they want is to go bald. Forget the dream house and car - baldness is what they want. Sex, drugs and anti-balding cream - (TO BALD MAN IN AUDIENCE) - Am I right - or am I right?
Morrace, could you becareful editing someones work and reposting it, this can detract from the original piece.
And frankly, If you're new to stand up, you're shitting yourself just walking on stage, Brian whatever you do interact with the audience as little as possible, unlike your routine this cannot be practiced beforehand, and this may make you have to think on your feet and from experience just blurting out your routine can be hard enough when you're new to it.
Quote: Stuart Laws @ August 26 2008, 5:16 PM BST
I would echo a lot of the advice on here. Also, please, please (I've seen it too many times) don't reference yourself doing comedy or doing it badly. It's not worth it. If you do get a laugh from it then it's just cheap and not a proper laugh.
I don't want to be harsh because there's definitely some stuff you can adapt and use from what you've written but you need to go into the gig confident, relaxed and sell yourself as a comedian. Not as someone who thinks the audience already doesn't like them. Try and get someone to film your performance and post it up here again, this board is a really nice but honest and constructive with their feedback (mostly!).
Good luck.
Filmings good - Just make sure the mic stand isn't in the way