In a way, we all win.
Quiz you CAN'T Google! Page 21
You f**knerds. I go away for a weekend and you run a quiz. I wanted to once again slaughter the Aarongeekmeister with my superior intellect and general bear knowledge. I produce a large fart in your general directions.
I love the avatar, Bandage!
Quote: Griff @ August 26 2008, 8:29 PM BSTBandage can you do animation as groovily as you can do avatars?
I'd have to say no to that, Griff, in the sense that I've never tried.
Thank you, Scatters.
Pshaw! Cuh! Pshaw!
Put little red cheeks on your cyberman!
Quote: zooo @ August 26 2008, 8:43 PM BSTPut little red cheeks on your cyberman!
You're weird. But I like you.
Love it!
Quote: Graham Bandage @ August 26 2008, 8:57 PM BSTYou're weird. But I like you.
I love him.
Incidently this very thread does appear in Google Search.
I can't believe he looked.
(NOT) The first post quiz. Tried to pull together a quiz of first posts by BSG members but the search function hates me, so they may well be 5th, 6th or 20th posts, but they're the earliest ones I could find. Anyway, the challenge the poster.
1/ Don't mind me, just looking.
(Ellie responds)
Still scared. Always been slightly intimidated by ... cartoon [avatars]
2/ Hope you are all fine and dandy. Break out the schnapps and twiglets.
3/ The buildings falling on the planes and the jet flying through Big Ben were fantastic. Better effects than in new Doctor Who!
4/ Apart from ******* and some classics like ******* (whose sketch partner, the fabulous ******* *******, died today) it's mostly ******* and ******* comedy on ******* TV, disfiguringly translated and dubbed. Most people I know improve their ******* by watching the originals (only the UK shows for that purpose, obviously). That way one also gets to see new shows up to three years before they are broadcast in *******.
5/ This person's first three posts contained the word 'love' or 'lovely' five times.
6/ If you discover you're funny then crack on and get submitting - if you discover you're not, give up.
Seefact's reply: This manages the remarkable feat of being both trite and untrue.
7/ Did you do that on porpoise?
8/ I submitted my script to a woman who is an apparent script guru so far we've taken 2 days to deal with the first few scenes see keeps riding me on things that seem insane to me prehaps I'm being a pig headed writer but my good having a go coz I occasioanlly dont put in full stops? come on!!!
9/ I'm charging a £5 to reed this post, havin read this kindly leave £5 in an envelope under the door at the disabled toilets kingscross (where i live)
10/ ...I probably shouldn't be writing this after half a bottle of wine during lunch.
Good luck!
p.s. you can't guess your own post, so if you're included you're at a small disadvantage, but you can still gain points by guessing the others!
7. Dave Chapman?
Nil - 1 point.