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Oh noooo!
I hope she got lots of cuddles.
And food actually, depending on how long she was in for. :O

Quote: zooo @ August 20 2008, 10:07 PM BST

Oh noooo!
I hope she got lots of cuddles.
And food actually, depending on how long she was in for. :O

The cat was only in there for an hour. So I'm sure she's golden.

(I thought I'd fill that in as Robyn is going to be away.)

I would have been on tenterhooks.

I know. :P

It's a cat for christs sake! If it was a small child then ....actually that's ok too. The Dursley's had it right.

Can someone shut roscoff in a cupboard please?

(and can someone else make some sort of joke about him being in a closet already. Thank you.)

Noooo! The poor kitty! :(

Quote: zooo @ August 20 2008, 10:57 PM BST

Can someone shut roscoff in a cupboard please?

Can it be an iron maiden instead?


Woo hoo!

*shuts roscoff inside*

Screw you!

Quote: zooo @ August 20 2008, 10:57 PM BST

Can someone shut roscoff in a cupboard please?

(and can someone else make some sort of joke about him being in a closet already. Thank you.)

I shan't be silenced. Unless I'm banned of course. I once left my son in his car seat on the side of the road. Now that you can worry about. 30 yards later I realised he was missing. You can go surprisingly fast in reverse.

Ah, he could have fended for himself. Or would have got adopted by wolves or summink.

I'm not going to worry less about kitties just because there are absent minded parents on the loose! How does that work? :)

Quote: zooo @ August 20 2008, 11:07 PM BST

Ah, he could have fended for himself. Or would have got adopted by wolves or summink.

Prezunctly! :D

Quote: zooo @ August 20 2008, 11:07 PM BST

Ah, he could have fended for himself. Or would have got adopted by wolves or summink.

I'm not going to worry less about kitties just because there are absent minded parents on the loose! How does that work? :)

To think, he could have been the first Caesar. Caeser Tom. On a continental note I'm off to Dutchland for a couple of days so you'll all be missing me terribly. Yes, yes you will. I've been practising my Dutch phrases.

'That's a lovely pair of Edams you've got there madam'
'Can I stick my finger in your dyke?'
'Can you please remove this tulip bulb carefully'
'Why are there pink elephants dancing on the canal? Must of been something I ate.'

I am about to begin the task of packing my DVDs.

I attempted to count them earlier in the week, and estimate that I own something in the region of 200. And that's just the legal, proper, commercial ones in normal plastic cases.

*scratches head*

I've just seen a transvestite in a black trouser suit.

What's the bloody point of that?

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