Quote: Aaron @ August 18 2008, 11:25 AM BST
Award winning poetry for Aaron. Of course, as the judges surmised, it's all about *ahem*cocaine addiction*ahem*.
The Taste of Carpet
I started eating carpet in my teens
It was such a small piece
With a thin pile and fluffy in its newness.
Just a curious lick.
One night in Australia, drunk,
I again wrapped my tongue around some Antipodean carpet,
But the unkept stubble of it coursed my chin and
I regretted it in the morning
More recently a neater carpet
A thin strip,
Between two round pink fleshy skirting boards
Gave me a stomach upset,
While another time,
A brown Hessian, unkempt square
That led from the front to the back of the house
Tasted of a welcome mat,
That everyone had wiped their feet on before entering.
Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ August 18 2008, 6:33 PM BST1. I have been knocked out with a badminton racket.
2. I used to be *very, very* blonde!
3. I was the lead in my school play in year 6, because my friend dared me to audition - and I couldn't think of a way to weasel out.
4. I was on TV when I was about 12, for designing a fighting robot.
5. I have a huge white birthmark, all around my left hip.
6. My dad once carried me on his shoulders into a garden centre, and smacked my head against the top of the doorway.
7. I managed to scar my back by slipping down in my chair, and rope burning myself with my t-shirt.
8. My grandad used to put prunes in my dolly's potty when I was little, and until I was about 5, I actually believed that the doll had pooped!
9. I broke my nose when I was four, because I tripped up on my first footfalls into out new house, hitting my nose on the step.
10. I have had a lot of strange little quirks over the years, like twirling my earrings so much when nervous that my ears got all icky!
You are incredibly clumsy scats! Was the fighting robot on robotwars?