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What's German for 'Whoops!'

How the flipping Norah did they manage that? And why is there no footage of the plane actually falling onto the mat thing?!

Quote: john lucas 101 @ August 18 2008, 3:30 PM BST

What's German for 'Whoops!'

'Ups'. Or 'Upsi'. Or 'Hupsi'. Or 'Upsala'. :)

That guy must be a really skilled pilot...

"Scheiße" seems more accurate.

Wohoo Dragons' Den is on next.

I was using the search feature (which always works fine for me btw) and it brought up this, which just made me giggle lots. One of our lot made it.

Laughing out loud Thanks for the remember. I loves DD.


I'm at work really early... not happy. :(

Why are you at work early? Was it a terrible alarm mix-up?

No, waiting for air con people to come in!

Air Con! I love that film. Nicolas Cage as an honest ex-con who gets caught in a vent with a load of baddies.

That's the one. ;)

You're on form for half 8 in the morning.

Are you at work?

I start work at 7am EVERY MORNING. I rule the early hours.

7am! Bleurgh! I was up at 6.30am this morning and it nearly killed me. I am now in a horrible mood because the air con guy was meant to be here at 8am, and isn't here...and my receptionist is meant to be here at 8.30am, and isn't here. Why am I the only person I can rely on?

5.30, every morning. Well, my alarm goes off at 5.30. That means I get up at 5.50. And yes, it's horrible, especially in the winter.

I wish I had a receptionist.

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