I don't really speak Esperanto, but i've been there on holiday. Nice place, too many foreigners though.
Been skulking about here for the last month. Thought i'd best sign up lest I'll be made to sign the sex offenders register...again.
Interests include walking,eating food and sleeping at least 7hr 14mins a day.
I also gleefully savour the inevitable, reluctant, downward spiral into obscurity that awaits every Big Brother contestant the second they're ejected back into the real world. My particular favourites were whatshisnametheonewiththehair and whatdoyoucallherbitofatart.
Seriously though, i decided to actually register an account because i have been scouring at this site on and off for the last month and it really has been an invaluble source of info from likeminded people.
I, myself, am part of a small comedy group from N.Ireland called Creemnuts. I mostly write, and occasionally act in our shows/sketches. We had a regular fixture at a pub that has since closed down and we've done a few charity events and such. All based around Belfast.
We've been dormant for a while, but we've recently started getting our crap together and we're hoping to move up a gear. We even have a web page, www.creemnuts.com, it's woefully underdone and we spelt 'lieutenant' wrong. But we should be working on that soon.
We also have a MySpace band thingy set up. It is also woefully underdone, so far our only friend is some pale wierd vulcan-looking guy called Tom.
So, yeah, thats me. I'm be contributing in forums and stuff, and i'll see you around.