Friday 15th August 2008 9:47pm
Royal Berkshire
69,978 posts
Quote: PhQnix @ August 15 2008, 6:38 PM BST
Don't they have different directors for each film?
Yes. The books progress and shift in style and tone, so different directors are required to realise the individuality of each installment. It would be stupid to have just the one.
Quote: PhQnix @ August 15 2008, 6:41 PM BST
The LotR trilogy was basically overseen by one man with a passion for the books, this isn't the case with the Harry Potter movies. That was the point I was trying to make.
Nah, the Harry Potter movies are "basically overseen" by one woman with a passion for the books. JK Rowling. She has veto on pretty much everything.
Quote: PhQnix @ August 15 2008, 6:41 PM BST
Even if they were lovingly crafted films you still can't get away from the fact that the acting is terrible as is most of the writing.
Incorrect x 2.
Quote: zooo @ August 15 2008, 6:42 PM BST
I have seen all the Potter films and loved every one. I've seen all the LOTRs and hated every minute. Bored to tears.
*nods in agreement*
Except I fell asleep in the first LOTR, it was that sould-destroyingly shite. I hate myself, but not quite enough to try the others.
Quote: zooo @ August 15 2008, 6:42 PM BST
I can't imagine how yawnsome the books are.
FAR more than the films!