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Quote: zooo @ August 15 2008, 2:27 PM BST

Nah, because they're CLEVERER.

Bless them! Cos they invented the erm...the erm...well they made the erm...the erm...they designed the erm - ah, they designed lots of nice dresses and stuff! And that's really clever ;)

Quote: zooo @ August 15 2008, 2:48 PM BST

Scones are more in the bread family I'd say.

But the adding of jam and cream does make them a bit cakey, yes...

Yes, and baking! You're all very very good at baking!

Quote: ian_w @ August 15 2008, 4:04 PM BST

Bless them! Cos they invented the erm...the erm...well they made the erm...the erm...they designed the erm - ah, they designed lots of nice dresses and stuff! And that's really clever ;)

Yes, and baking! You're all very very good at baking!


Women invented (among other things) bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers, laser printers, tipex, bras, elevated railways, beehives, circular saws, the fridge, the rotary engine, oh and created ALL HUMAN LIFE! ;)

Yeah. We men have started way more wars than you though.

It's true, you do win at the killing people, and sexually abusing small children, you're pretty good at that too! Don't do yourselves down.

Is this what an English class at university is like?

Actually, yes. If you're doing a module on gender or politics, and your tutor has a bit of a chip on his or her shoulder.

Quote: zooo @ August 15 2008, 4:20 PM BST

Actually, yes. If you're doing a module on gender or politics, and your tutor has a bit of a chip on his or her shoulder.

I might be doing a module on gender. :|

Quote: zooo @ August 15 2008, 4:20 PM BST

Actually, yes. If you're doing a module on gender or politics, and your tutor has a bit of a chip on his or her shoulder.

Eek. Is there any way to placate an angry feminist?


Quote: ian_w @ August 15 2008, 4:04 PM BST

Yes, and baking! You're all very very good at baking!

Laughing out loud

Fridge - Carl Paul Gottfried von Linde
Rotary engine - Felix Wankel
Laser printer - Gary Starkweather
Bulletproof vest - Casimir Zeglen (male)

Leaving Tipex (giggles), windshield wipers (and the car they went on was nothing in comparison), bras (that's fair enough), circular saw (based on a previous design by a Frenchman).

And you did bare all human life, which is very very clever.

Quote: zooo @ August 15 2008, 4:12 PM BST

Women invented ... beehives

Yes. Thanks for that.



Quote: zooo @ August 15 2008, 4:16 PM BST

It's true, you do win at the killing people, and sexually abusing small children, you're pretty good at that too! Don't do yourselves down.

Oh yeahhhhhhh. Cool

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ August 15 2008, 4:23 PM BST

I might be doing a module on gender. :|

Oh dear.

Quote: PhQnix @ August 15 2008, 4:23 PM BST

Eek. Is there any way to placate an angry feminist?

Quote: Aaron @ August 15 2008, 4:33 PM BST

A cigarette lighter?

I suppose that could have much the same end effect, yes. Assuming that one has a suitable amount of kindling.

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