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Quote: EllieJP @ August 15 2008, 1:23 PM BST

Yep... it's on one of our walls.

It could be an outside wall. That's where he normally paints. It wasn't that weird a question, was it?

How do you move a painting on a wall?

Quote: PhQnix @ August 15 2008, 1:24 PM BST

It could be an outside wall. That's where he normally paints. It wasn't that weird a question, was it?

Not that weird.

Quote: zooo @ August 15 2008, 1:21 PM BST

ian uses the word spacccaaaaa.

I welcome you ian, into the disablist club. :(

Laughing out loud

Aw, bless you. :)

I'm picking up all sorts of words and things from this board.

Quote: zooo @ August 15 2008, 1:24 PM BST

How do you move a painting on a wall?

Ah - this is my problem. I think it's on ply board, but it's going to ruin it. It's a massive painting. There are also the odd pink splodges round the office but I think we'll leave those.

Quote: zooo @ August 15 2008, 1:24 PM BST

How do you move a painting on a wall?

Very carefully.

Thanks Aaron for the advice...

What's it a painting of?

This is how I don't understand how the council can sell a Banksy to someone, wall and all.

Quote: EllieJP @ August 15 2008, 1:27 PM BST

Thanks Aaron for the advice...

I ain't speakin' to you, foo.

I just realised that my history teacher stinks. Revelation of the day.

Awww how come? And how come you're in school?

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ August 15 2008, 1:31 PM BST

I just realised that my history teacher stinks. Revelation of the day.

I could've told you that yesterday. :P

Quote: EllieJP @ August 15 2008, 1:32 PM BST

Awww how come? And how come you're in school?

I'm not in school, but I was yesterday. He stinks because I was missing 40 minutes of History a week to go to Spanish, got an A in my exams, and he said that I should think about retaking one of the papers before anything else.

He's a dick then, isn't he?

My brother was told he was going to fail history.

He got an A.

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