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Quote: PhQnix @ August 15 2008, 12:48 PM BST

Well the Spanish put there fingertips at the corner of their eyes and pull them upwards and outwards. The reverse is downwards and outwards.

*shakes head in worry*

Quote: Aaron @ August 15 2008, 12:52 PM BST

*shakes head in worry*

Well it's silly anyway. Hong Kong is part of China, so my rhyme was politically outdated.

I'm quite worried for everyone who is a similar age to Elliot and I now! Surely it wasn't just us two who were exposed to things like this.

But it's nothing like the rest of the country. Outdated would depend on what year you did it in.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ August 15 2008, 12:53 PM BST

I'm quite worried for everyone who is a similar age to Elliot and I now! Surely it wasn't just us two who were exposed to things like this.

Nah, we all had things LIKE that, I suspect. But those in particular are weird.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ August 15 2008, 12:53 PM BST

I'm quite worried for everyone who is a similar age to Elliot and I now! Surely it wasn't just us two who were exposed to things like this.

I never really connected it to anything racist. There were, like, two pupils of an oriental background in my school. It was really white actually, especially for South London. *shrugs*

It hasn't affected me in a bad way.

I think we always knew deep-down it was wrong for us to be doing it at school, but people carried on doing it for exactly that reason.

How old were you at the time, Robyn?

We didn't do any racist songs.

But we used to do 'mong' faces and make mong noises.
Basically, we thought it was fine to take the piss out of the disabled...

Quote: Aaron @ August 15 2008, 1:02 PM BST

How old were you at the time, Robyn?

Probably about 8 or 9?

And you still do, with the 'mong' label. ;)


Oh shit.

Laughing out loud Ohhh dear!

Ha ha! Zooo you big mongist!

Mongist. Laughing out loud

I suck.

Mongist! Laughing out loud

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