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Quote: EllieJP @ August 14 2008, 5:44 PM BST

You're scared of me.... right... give me all my money back David... ALL of it!

Bollocks. It's not as though you made us much anyway.

Hah - that you know. I've got a tidy profit hidden where you'll never see.

Quote: EllieJP @ August 14 2008, 5:51 PM BST

Hah - that you know. I've got a tidy profit hidden where you'll never see.

I think I'd rather not actually. You can keep it.

Quote: EllieJP @ August 14 2008, 5:40 PM BST

Anyway - I'm a little more sober now. But I have to go out for birthday and leaving do drinks tonight! Bring on the hangover tomorrow!

And me laughing at your pain.

Quote: ian_w @ August 14 2008, 5:45 PM BST

Yes well, it's the companionship bit that I'd like to avoid tbh. My last 'companion' nearly drove me into terminal depression and I'm absolutely not convinced that the next time won't be exactly the same. I'm fine on me tod.

One psycho doesn't mean that the next one will be.

Or maybe it's you that's the psycho! :O

*gasps and steps backwards, arms outstretched to protect the children*

Quote: zooo @ August 14 2008, 5:46 PM BST

Single doesn't necessarily mean no sex, anyway.

*mumbles something about morals, respectability, decency...*

Now everyone's stopped posting again. *cracks whip*

I'm back.

Get off your high horse Aaron. Just because you're all happily engaged doesn't mean that everyone else around you who's single has to abstain from sex.

Quote: EllieJP @ August 14 2008, 7:07 PM BST

I'm back.

Get off your high horse Aaron. Just because you're all happily engaged doesn't mean that everyone else around you who's single has to sustain from sex.


Good point otherwise.


Serves me right for rambling.


Quote: EllieJP @ August 14 2008, 7:07 PM BST

Get off your high horse Aaron. Just because you're all happily engaged doesn't mean that everyone else around you who's single has to abstain from sex.

What has any relationship which I may or may not have, got to do with it?

'cause it clouds your view from the unhappiness us singletons have to go through.

You seem to be implying that you think I was ever of any other opinion.

Maybe, maybe not. I'm just saying that it's not morally wrong to sleep with someone when you're not in a relationship. It happens.

Ha! Murder happens. Doesn't make it right.

Quote: Aaron @ August 14 2008, 7:20 PM BST

Ha! Murder happens. Doesn't make it right.

You don't think that those two things are on a par morally, do you?

I really don't see why anything between consenting adults should be susceptible to moral judgement. So what if two people f**k each other outside of a relationship? No one gets hurt.

Bloody kids. Angry

Quote: PhQnix @ August 14 2008, 7:27 PM BST

No one gets hurt.

You're not doing it hard enough.

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