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2. lol

Quote: EllieJP @ August 14 2008, 11:25 AM BST

2. lol

How many people in the company you work for?

I feel like you're one of those people who ring up updating their "databases".

Ummm..there are about 70 people here. I only report to 2. I'm head of the admin dept I guess.

Quote: EllieJP @ August 14 2008, 11:23 AM BST

I am getting taken out on my second business lunch of the month - does this mean I'm "making" it?

It means your boss wants to roger you.

Quote: EllieJP @ August 14 2008, 11:23 AM BST

Oooh and I had my 5th date last night with the same guy... is it time for the "talk"?

You still haven't spoken to him?

The talk... you know where you say "are we going to take this into a relationship" or stop this now?

Quote: Aaron @ August 14 2008, 11:28 AM BST

It means your boss wants to roger you.

This is with people outside the company...I thank you!

Quote: EllieJP @ August 14 2008, 11:30 AM BST

The talk... you know where you say "are we going to take this into a relationship" or stop this now?


Quote: EllieJP @ August 14 2008, 11:30 AM BST

This is with people outside the company...I thank you!

So your boss has spread it around that you're a go-er.

Quote: EllieJP @ August 14 2008, 11:30 AM BST

The talk... you know where you say "are we going to take this into a relationship" or stop this now?

That's a bit clinical. Relationships should develop in organic ways, not via some action plan discussed beforehand.

Quote: chipolata @ August 14 2008, 11:31 AM BST

That's a bit clinical. Relationships should develop in organic ways, not via some action plan discussed beforehand.

Exactly, I totally agree. I don't want to have the talk... however I really don't want to be stuck in the dark thinking things are going great and for him to turn around and say - that was fun, see ya! He wouldn't anyway, which is why I want to see if we have a future. Men are so closed! Arghhh

BTW, I am not this freaky when i'm with him, he thinks I'm a cool laid back chick! Little does he know I'm a ticking bomb.

Quote: EllieJP @ August 14 2008, 11:34 AM BST

Exactly, I totally agree. I don't want to have the talk... however I really don't want to be stuck in the dark thinking things are going great and for him to turn around and say - that was fun, see ya! He wouldn't anyway, which is why I want to see if we have a future. Men are so closed! Arghhh

You could just go down on him and say you'll do that every day if he likes. Or something.

Quote: EllieJP @ August 14 2008, 11:34 AM BST

he thinks I'm a cool laid back chick! Little does he know I'm a ticking bomb.

Laughing out loud


Quote: Aaron @ August 14 2008, 2:46 AM BST

I found this on t'InterWebs.
Whistling nnocently

:O Which member could that be?

What's reactorcore? I tried to have a look but it told me I'm a Turkish script-kiddie hacker :S

Quote: EllieJP @ August 14 2008, 11:39 AM BST


Or just say 'don't you think it's about time we spoke about having children?'

Not before marriage else my Grandparents would disown me!

That's exactly what you should tell him as well! :) Also, I would wrap it up with 'I think you should start seeing less of your friends'.

I was thinking along the lines of

"I think we should be exclusive, as in you don't see anyone, ever, apart from me... oh and everything you do must revolve around me"

Thank goodness he doesn't know I post on here... I'm only kidding. :)

Noooo, don't kid - do it!! Put him to the test!

His life should revolve around you Ells, or tell him you know people on the BSG and they'll come and linch him!

I still don't see what's wrong with just being single though? It's much better.

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