British Comedy Guide

Hello strangers...

I've been lurking and reading here for a few weeks so I thought I had better make myself known.


None stranger tis true.


'Ole? Where? Is it big? I have darning materials.

Hi Eliza and welcome! :) *waves*

How do you pronounce your last name Eliza? I don't want to come across all improper - a Ben-gay when it should be Ben-gee or Ben-Jay or argh... too many options...

Welcome to the site, you lurker you Wave

Hello Eliza! Wave

Quote: Eliza Benge @ August 14 2008, 9:37 AM BST

'Ole? Where? Is it big? I have darning materials.

It is in my bucket dear Eliza.


Quote: Simon Stratton @ August 14 2008, 10:06 AM BST

How do you pronounce your last name Eliza? I don't want to come across all improper - a Ben-gay when it should be Ben-gee or Ben-Jay or argh... too many options...

Welcome to the site, you lurker you Wave

As in hinge, or mange. Or as you wish. I won't hear you mispronouce it so I won't be too bothered. :D But thank you for caring enough to ask.

Thanks for the welcomes too. :)

Quote: Marc P @ August 14 2008, 10:27 AM BST

It is in my bucket dear Eliza.


Ah nostalgia. I had a bucket once. Some bugger wrecked it.

Good moaning.

Brilliant name.

I love nge words.

Flange. Minge. ... Binge. Cringe. Ninge..a Errr

Er, yes. :D

Well, not the first two.

Ginger! I forgot that one.

Is this a RE4 reference?

Hello Wave

Hello Eliza.

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