Thursday 7th August 2008 3:30am
Royal Berkshire
69,977 posts
I was forced to learn French in my first year (this is of secondary school). Which I was awwwwwwwwwwwful at. In the second year they halved the number of French lessons, and we did German alongside. Which I was actually pretty good at. But would they let me carry it on? No. I wasn't allowed to do something I had talent in, and was forced to spend another 3 years studying something I had no f**king clue what it was about.
My brother was lucky enough to start off with German, so did that all the way through, and is a natural. Apparently he's the most gifted German speaker they've ever had there. He's going to be studying German and somethingorother at university. Me, I know a few words of French, and a few of German.
Now Russian, I would have loved to get the chance to learn.