Wednesday 6th August 2008 2:18am [Edited]
204 posts
Quote: David Chapman @ August 5 2008, 9:45 PM BST
That's why it is so good!
The theme song?
Well... That's the ONLY good thing about it, it's not good enough to actually make the show good by association.
When I watch Family Guy I don't get the impression tht there was any talent put into it at all, I think it's written by McFarlanes friends from college. Boring people who think they're funny. People who sing songs when you say words from songs to them in conversations, people who think it's really, really witty to say "Luke, I am your father", people who crave attention but have nothing interesting about them to merit it... I think if you got 20 of those people together in a room, I think they'd write Family Guy. And I think that's exactly what happened.
And I take serious offence to the animation. Having bad animation on purpose is fine IF YOU DO IT CHEAPLY. They have hordes of sweaty Koreans drawing these characters moving robotically through same boring three poses over and over and over, never being allowed to actuially make the characters express any kind of emotion that might accidently lead to a genuine moment of humour. As a cartoonist I can't imagine being subjected to that kind of torture, it's unethical and should be banned.
I mean, people complin about bad acting. Why lower the standards for animated programs? A guy moving his mouth, tilting his head and occasionally FOR EXTRA EMPHASIS, raising his hand is not a good comedy performance, be he drawn or otherwise. Especially since McFarlane can't voice-act for shit.