Monday 4th August 2008 2:10am
Royal Berkshire
69,962 posts
Quote: Simon Stratton @ August 3 2008, 11:02 PM BST
She did from the generic gallery e-mail. I'm guessing all the other staff can see it.
Oh. Erm.
Quote: Simon Stratton @ August 3 2008, 11:00 PM BST
I think he's just interested in doing the same thing.
Ok, I'll stop with the phQnix likes scats jokes now. Unless they're really funny.
No, do continue!
Quote: PhQnix @ August 3 2008, 11:01 PM BST
It surprises me that people form attachments that close over the internet. I don't know why it surprises me; it's a wonderful way to communicate.
Well I didn't send my proposal in the form of ASCII pr0n or anything. We first met online.
Quote: ian_w @ August 3 2008, 11:00 PM BST
I'm not metro watsit anyway, I'm just not afraid to wear my heart on my sleeve. Or is that metro watsit?
Yes. It is.
Quote: zooo @ August 3 2008, 11:01 PM BST
Well, I think he has met her now.