Saturday 26th May 2007 6:37pm [Edited]
36,464 posts
OK, finally got around to reading it, but not the other comments, so I'll apologise if I repeat.
I liked it, it read well, although it felt slightly over written.
The characters were well defined, although Griffin, being a robot didn't feel human, which I'm not sure, is that a good thing?
It kind of reminded me of Ugly Betty or at least what I've seen from the trailers and pilot I watched. But don't let that worry you as it's only the initial impression, like comparing Cheers to Time Gentleman Please.
I enjoyed it though and think you are a talented writer and look forward to seeing your horror screenplays come to light. (Horror being a favourite genre of mine.)
I don't think you have a sitcom here, not in the traditional sense anyway, but definitely a comedy drama. I hope you didn't have Red Dwarf style in mind.
I think for people to relate she would definitely need to develop some sort of human relationship and I hope she does, maybe that's your intended hook?
But anyway, overall, thoroughly enjoyed it, well done.