British Comedy Guide

PM Ellie Page 17


He definitely stands on a box.


Quote: Marc P @ July 21 2008, 2:08 PM BST


He definitely stands on a box.


It's all filth, filth, filth around here.

Quote: ian_w @ July 21 2008, 1:52 PM BST

In her younger days Clare Balding did some lesbo pictures in a porno mag. I had a copy of that very magazine Sick

Blimey! I'm not sure if I should be asking to see or not. Errr

Yaaay I won! I've been waiting to check this all day, busybusybusy at work. It took me enough goes to get it right, but it meant I got to play around with the video recorder things on my new phone woo.

Some great entries in there, Simon's song is hilarious.

Quote: chipolata @ July 21 2008, 2:07 PM BST

I think she works Willie with her hand.

First time for everything, I suppose ;)

Quote: EllieJP @ July 21 2008, 10:25 AM BST

...and Last!!!!
Frankie Rage - 2.6

The effort that some of you put in was just incredible. Thank you!

Last! What a swizz! It's worse than 4laughs!

It never occurred to me that anyone would put any effort in!


Congrats to everybody who did better than me then.. er that's everybody!

Fx Laughing out loud

Quote: Frankie Rage @ July 21 2008, 8:02 PM BST

Last! What a swizz! It's worse than 4laughs!

It never occurred to me that anyone would put any effort in!


Congrats to everybody who did better than me then.. er that's everybody!

Fx Laughing out loud

Dont worry Frankie boy you did better then me.

Less than 2.6 Gav? Gee.. :(

Quote: Frankie Rage @ July 21 2008, 8:09 PM BST

Less than 2.6 Gav? Gee.. :(

Mines still lying on the kitchen table with its innards half in half on place mats I always start and never finish

Yeah, you have always been rubbish Frankie!


Quote: Marc P @ July 21 2008, 8:14 PM BST

Yeah, you have always been rubbish Frankie!


Rolling eyes
..makes my new job 'on the bins' even more appropo.. !!

Dang! I missed this - the chance to make Ellie excited by PM has passed me by. Teary

Quote: EllieJP @ July 21 2008, 12:04 AM BST

I'll stick it up at 10am tomorrow.


I doubt she'd object if you sent one in anyway.

What the hell - I had a go. :)

Let's see how long I have to wait before the Police show up.

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