British Comedy Guide

PM Ellie Page 12

Ooh, Ellie's logged on. Gather round, kids.

I'm here dad, i'm here.

Ha - Just got to type it up.

You have one minute to get any extra entries in.

Quote: EllieJP @ July 21 2008, 9:58 AM BST

You have one minute to get any extra entries in.


Quote: Sofa_Matt @ July 21 2008, 9:58 AM BST

I'm here dad, i'm here.

Settle down. Don't sit too close to the fire. Where's young Simon? He'd want to see this.

Quote: Gavin @ July 21 2008, 9:59 AM BST


Juvenile, but funny.

He didnt want to have to sit on your knee again.

Quote: Graham Bandage @ July 21 2008, 9:59 AM BST

Juvenile, but funny.

:) that's one of my better personailty traits.

This must be close, the judge is leaving us hanging.

The tension is unbearable. I might have to have a Hobnob.

Aaargh, now she's logged out, the tease.

How can you tell? Have you just kicked her out of bed or something?

Her status has changed from green to red. Also, yes.

Sorry, I had just typed it all up when my computer decided to upload a load of things and switched off.

I've got to type it all again! BOOOO!

Try again.

So the way I worked it out, I took an average of the scores that were taken from the marking catagories of Originality, Sucking up and Rudeness and then added on the bonus points for making me laugh.

So here are the marks.

First...NickTheDon - 11.6
Second...IanW - 11.3
Third...Sofa_Matt - 11
Perry Nium -8.3
Graham Bandage - 8
Ruby Mae - 7.6
Wayne Lewis - 7
Simon Stratton - 6
Nil Putters - 6
Seefacts - 6
Scatters - 5
Paul W - 5
DannyJB - 4.6
Stuart Laws - 4.3
Marc P - 3.6
Frankie Rage - 2.6

The effort that some of you put in was just incredible. Thank you!

I'm going to post up snippets of some of them cause they were just so damn good.

Quote: Sofa_Matt @ July 21 2008, 9:58 AM BST

I'm here dad, i'm here.

Well done, son, I'm proud of you. The bronze medal, eh?

Eat my posts, Putters, Stratton and 'Facts, I am TWO better than all of you.

Well I'm truly shocked! Although I was thinking about it over the weekend, I actually spent less time on this than Sootyj does on spell checking.

Thanks, Dad:)

Quote: Graham Bandage @ July 21 2008, 10:30 AM BST

Eat my posts, Putters, Stratton and 'Facts, I am TWO better than all of you.

I'm happy. I thought I'd be bottom :) bonus

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