Godot Taxis
Wednesday 23rd May 2007 12:35pm [Edited]
5,757 posts
Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 22, 2007, 7:24 PM
Not finding something funny, or not liking a show, I dont believe makes the writing automatically 'lazy'. Its a good show, not amazing, but very good, and I think that its detractors on here who keep saying that the writing is lazy as one of the reasons for not liking it is lazy in itself. It doesnt flick your switch, which is fair enough, but that doesnt make a show lazy, just not your cup of tea.
I didn't say it was lazy because I didn't like it. The reason I didn't like it is because it's poorly scripted. That the only reason. I actually really like Matt Horne and larry lamb and Alison Steadman. If you go through the posts you'll see that I actually praised some of the writing (the route-planning scene with Rob Bryden).
The fact that the first episode was written in 24 hours is in itself an indication of the first-draft quality. In fact, if that statement is true, the first episode IS a first draft.
Further proof is indicated by some of the lines:
Don't get overexcited, you know what happens to people who get overexcited?
He then goes on to talk about something else.
Fags and weed, glue and speed. But I draw the line at crack – that way everyone knows where they stand.
Aw, fair play.
This sentence doesn't really make any sense. Why does everyone know where they stand because he draws the line at crack? It is clearly not widely known what the driver's policy is because Stacey knows him well but she still asks if she can smoke a cigarette on the coach. It's just limp writing.
Fags and weed, glue and speed. But I draw the line at freebasin' as I 'aven't got a fire extinguisher.
You may find that miserably unfunny. But it IS a joke. The first one isn't.