Here's some preview videos of Trexx and Flipside, a new BBC3 sitcom which starts on the 6th July...
Trexx and Flipside
Fo shizzle. Cheers. It looks promising. On their myspace they have the theme tune, it's quite catchy.
I can't work out if it's going to be any good or not. The theme tune is certainly catchy though - I'll give them that.
Trexx and Flipside? Aren't they the EURO2008 mascots? Typical! Even cuddly costumed central Europeans are given their own TV series now.

I've just finished watching this, and was pleasantly surprised.
Struck me as The Black Boosh basically, albeit toned-down and less 'out there'. Similar kind of situation, they're trying to be famous, blah blah.
So yeah, I actually quite liked it. Half way between The Mighty Boosh and Ed Stone Is Dead - a sitcom which no one but me seems to have seen.
It's not going to be a contender for favourite sitcom ever, but it had a good kind of feeling/vibe to it, so now waiting actually rather eagerly for episode two.
(If there's anyone from the Beeb or Initial reading this, please hook me up with a copy of Ed Stone!)
I only saw little bits. Liked Rich Fulcher.
Yeah, he was alright, but don't think he's played ever more thann one character...?
Leave him alone!
That's how he rolls.
I missed it last night. I wan't exactly eager to see it, after the clips I saw of it made it look like a CBBC show!
I thought it was bland. Aaron mentioned The Mighty Boosh but that had an insane genius, this had nothing. And while Noel Fielding and Julian Barrat are top class comedy actors, the guys in this were likeable nonentities. The lines were lame and the plot predictable. It's just not good enough.
Ed Stone, was that the sitcom with Richard Blackwood which was on Trouble at lunchtime or something?
Quote: hotzappa11 @ July 7 2008, 10:28 AM BSTEd Stone, was that the sitcom with Richard Blackwood which was on Trouble at lunchtime or something?
Not sure about lunchtime, but yes, that's the one!
It was so bad they broadcast it on Sunday mornings. Talking of which, whatever happened to the ever-so-talented Mr Blackwood?
Not a clue. I think he still does a bit of presenting, probably on a really obscure channel.
My thoughts on the show. Overly complicated script VERY badly acted and directed. The timing was awful. I thought the story was alright until about half way through when I thought it had finished and it just keopt going on.
I stuck with it to the end but never again.