Lee Henman
Thursday 3rd July 2008 11:14pm [Edited]
5,183 posts
Quote: Pete @ July 3 2008, 4:55 PM BST
To be fair you opened the conversation with:
"I believe in Aliens"
You then explained this belief was based on a dream you had as an 8 year old.
If i say i saw God at 8 years old would you be open minded?
I'd believe you saw something strange. I believe there is probably some kind of enormously-advanced 'alien' that governs the known universe, and if people want to call that force 'God' then that's fine. I don't have any problem with the existence of such a being. It's the Bible I have a problem with.
As for my 'experience', I've already said I'm open to the fact that my experience was probably a dream. But it was a powerful dream that sparked a lifelong interest in all-things spacey. (Not Kevin.)
Quote: billwill @ July 3 2008, 5:17 PM BST
There is another explanation, for what you saw as am 8-year old. Perception plays strange tricks with one's mind, especially when just waking up. (Once when staying in a German hotel, the phone rang and woke me and the voice on the other end said: "It's a Battleship" and put the phone down. Later I worked out that it was my wake-up call and he had actually said: "Es ist Halb Acht" - "It is half to eight".)
So while aliens peering in your window is faintly possible, a far more likely scenario is that it was an inquisitive dog or similar animal. (Free-ranging Pandas also being somewhat unlikely
Dogs do have big black eyes and are very inquisitive, I've often seen dogs peering into windows.
Or if your bedroom had no place for a dog to stand on outside the window, it might have been a skewed perception of the moon.
Cheers Bill. Well it certainly wasn't an inquisitive labrador unless they can float. (My bedroom was on the first floor). As for the moon? Nah, I'd seen the moon tons of times before. This was a face, with huge black eyes, pressed close to the window. Only two explanations exist - it was either a dream, or it was a strange creature of some kind.