Wednesday 2nd July 2008 11:04pm
Royal Berkshire
69,993 posts
Quote: zooo @ July 2 2008, 7:56 PM BST
But sometimes, I hit paste or cut by accident and then it all goes tits up.
Mmmm ... tits.
Sorry, got a bit lost for a moment there. Anyway, could do Ctrl + C rather than the whole right-clicking malarkey? Less likely to hit the wrong one then. And if you do, you could always just Ctrl + Z.
Anyway, if you cut it, you only need to paste it back in!
Quote: ian_w @ July 2 2008, 7:59 PM BST
But you can't do that with every post, surely?
No, only if it's a long post and the server's being a c**t.