British Comedy Guide


Fantastic website, thanks for having it! Great resource for fans and writers alike. Am currently writing spec scripts for an original Britcom. Hope the Beeb likes it. Favorite writers are Richard Curtis & Ben Elton.(For my money, the Black Adder episodes were the cleverest things ever disgorged into the airwaves.)

Happy to be here,


Quite right. And welcome.

Hello and welcome Wave

Ay up.


Good moaning.

Hiya and welcome to you Wave

Quote: Aaron @ June 23 2008, 10:25 AM BST

Good moaning.

*Dons hat*

Good moaning

*Removes hat*

I have a good memory Whistling nnocently

Hello mate.

Hello Jack. Are you a Brit in yank land then or do you just realise that US comedies aren't?

Hey Jack!

Welcome, welcome and thrice welcome.

Thanks for the welks, Aaron, Ellie JP, Baumski, steve by any other name, Marc P, alison2345, Charly, Wildjesusfishkid, David Chapman, and Scatterbrained Floozy!

Am a Yank by birth, but a staunch Brit by blood, with old roots in the UK and an abiding affection for the Sceptred Isle. Am descended from Sir George C., a Catholic contemporary of Guy Fawkes, though I don't think George had anything to do with the powder plot. He wasn't hanged, at any rate. Not a Catholic myself, but proud to have his blood.

You're quite right, David, American sitcoms just "aren't." Try as I might, I haven't been able to sit through a single episode of "Friends," or some of the other obvious piffle that tries to pass itself off as comedy on this side of the pond. Has to do, I think, with something called wit, which British comedy writers are masters of.

I'll take Baldrick & Mr. B any day.

Speaking of which, I love Hugh Laurie, however am not much of a fan of the medical drama, "House," in which he uses a flat American accent. Laurie's a brilliant actor--one of my favorites--however I don't see the point of "Americanizing" his character. Why couldn't he have been a Brit? I think it would've added an extra biting edge to his character. (But what the hell do I know?)

Rowan Atkinson can do little wrong in my book, of course, however another one of my favorite actors is Timothy Spall, whose bravura, BAFTA-nominated turn as a predatory vacuum cleaner salesman in Danny Boyle's "Vacuuming Completely Nude in Paradise" is an outrageous gem of comic brilliance. He's like an oversexed Freddie Jones with rabies.

I'll shut up now, had too many Glenlivets!

Thanks for the kind welcome,


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