British Comedy Guide

Friendly Society



I'm not sure about this mortgage. Interest rates are all over the place and....


Oh but we're a friendly society....


So were Bradford and Bingley.



We're a really friendly society.


But what about falling property prices?


We're not just a friendly society. We're a friendly society with benefits...


rather weak gag on the term friendly society and the punch line makes no sense as Barclays is a bank????

It's called satire. John Cleese didn't hate pet shops, nor did Ronnie Barker hate heavily accented hardware store assisstants.

n.b. Barclays has been caught in all manner of naughtiness from supporting Apparhteid South Africa, to Subprime mortgages, ands encouraging people to borrow beyond their means. They're not very nice, and probably a better targer than BB, or Davina.

Mugabe is probably still more horrible.

That said you're right Barclays isn't a friendly society.

I think his point is that your venom is all to clear in your dialogue, as such your stuff often sounds like an attack more than satire.

Really? You must like your satire very soft boiled.

It's more of a gentle poke at 2 ironic uses of the word friendly e.g. (nasty banks boo!, and trendy people who shag each other).

It's not even satire more a whimsical word play. I'd be intrigued to see some of your comedic writings.

which friendly society are you poking? it's all very tenuous.

it feels like you started with a disjointed idea and have been unable to mix them together. a lot of your stuff does this - you take ingredients and just hope they blend.

Ah, the irony of a big kick-off between sootyj and Pete taking place in a thread called Friendly Society.

I think it's going to the chop shop, it's too weak to live on it's own.

But I think a friends with benefits/friendly society gag could turn up in a longer sitcom, or bigger skit.

And yes it is similar to that NT90N skit. But I like to think it's more of a extension.

Damn that was the sexiest skit ever, wasn't it Pamela Stevenson?

And frankly there are more trolls around here, then a bridge frequented by goats, who are gruff.

Pete, I think Sooty aims his satirical sketches at NewsRevue and Treason. It's their style and I assume Sooty is writing for that audience.

That's always been my take on it anyway.

Winterlight is dead right.

Right for your audience, and some times your self.

n.b. you think this skit is venomous?

For me, this is a simple funny quickie based on a play on words. Nowt wrong with that.

Now, Sooty, does that get me a pint?

PS I actually think it is a simple funny quickie based on a play on words. I see no vitriol or agenda in it at all.

Yes but thats a one off.

If I had to get a pint for every one who was nice to me, that's be at least 1 pint.

Quote: Badge @ July 2 2008, 12:37 AM BST

I see no vitriol or agenda in it at all.

It's been edited.

Quote: sootyj @ July 1 2008, 11:51 PM BST

n.b. you think this skit is venomous?

Not at all....but i think you dislike Barclays and stands out above the comedy.

Quote: sootyj @ July 1 2008, 11:51 PM BST

Right for your audience, and some times your self.

Interesting - if their paying well then fair enough but to write with your own pleasure in second place for pennies seems odd....or is the belief that NR, etc leads onto greater things? (is there a history of writers coming up from that route? I have no idea..serious question)

And the final line was.

"Barclays we've been screwing you for years, why not screw us?"

Pure vitriol that.

Yes lots starts there, League of Gentleman did a tribute in their London special.

More to the point, writing to deadlines, guidelines is a good way to discipline ones writing.

And do well enough, and it's not pennies.

n.b. that is pathetically patronising to alot of writers here.

Quote: sootyj @ July 2 2008, 1:04 AM BST

"Barclays we've been screwing you for years, why not screw us?"
Pure vitriol that.

My point was that the object of your satire is always very obvious (like a hammer to the head) and often feels like a personal attack - in this case, more so, as you shoe horned a bank into a sketch about friendly societies - so keen where you to have a go at them (i'm surprised Mugabe didn't pop up as the cashier!) However, if this is what your audience want and you like it, crack on.

Quote: sootyj @ July 2 2008, 1:04 AM BST

And do well enough, and it's not pennies.
n.b. that is pathetically patronising to alot of writers here.

Is it? I was under the impression people got paid very little. If you can write what you love and get anything then great, but (personally) i wouldnt be putting my pleasure from the exercise in second place on a regular basis - not for the odd tenner.

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