INTERVIEWER: Good evening and welcome to 'Nightnews'. It is a pleasure and a privilege to welcome my honoured guest, French Prime Minister Monsieur Sarkozy... Monsieur Sarkozy, good evening.
SARKOZY: Good evening.
INTERVIEWER: Monsieur, following your victory against the Socialists you made a controversial speech demanding a systematic reconstruction of France.
INTERVIEWER: You urged the country to confront the demands of modern society by adopting a more dynamic work ethic, and controversially retrenched into industries such as Alstom. Further, you pledged a revolutionary set of reforms placing tremendous emphasis against prejudice and especially racism, despite your previous anti-immigration stance. So my first question is, What's it like rogering Carla Bruni?
SARKOZY: Pardon?
INTERVIEWER: The singlest gorgeousest most shaggablest woman on telly and you roger her. Howja do it?
SARKOZY: I came here to discuss the reforms.
INTERVIEWER: Howjado it? I mean look atcha, you're hardly a looker, she got a thing about spindly balding froggies or something…
SARKOZY: Please. The reforms.
INTERVIEWER: Oh all right. But she's so fit, she's so damn hot, she…
SARKOZY: In these measures I committed to the struggle against racism.
INTERVIEWER: Yeah I betcha did, knocking off that hot Italian. Let 'er in boys, let 'er…
SARKOZY: Which in no way undermines my feelings on immigration. For while I favour positive discrimination in employment…
INTERVIEWER: Zey are discriminating against me! I Am not French, ooh-la-la, Carla Bruni she will not go to ze bed wiz me…
SARKOZY: And ordered extensive programs to reconstruct our mosques...
INTERVIEWER: Yeah all those sultry birds in veils, great. What's Carla like, does she dress up, veil, belly-dance, oh Monsieur President, I am naughty girl, please take me to Heaven and back…
SARKOZY: I am only partly behind the European Union. For instance, I disavow the traditional Franco-Germanic alliance.
INTERVIEWER: Yeah better have the Italians enter eh? Or better still, have you enter an…
SARKOZY: Okay I admit it. Carla is hot, she is so sexy, she is - how say you - hornsome hunk of woman. She make big sex, she make funny noise - urgh, uuurrgggh, uuurrrrggghhh - she dress up like bad girl and whip me and say I no love her unless I tear ze clothes off and burn zem in big fire outside Parliament and hump savagely till ze sun come up and I take naughty photo for porno.
INTERVIEWER: I think you're getting off the point.
SARKOZY: Oh this is ridiculous. (leaves)
INTERVIEWER: Well - viewers I must apologise. But please join me after the break when I'll be discussing popular music with Mr Doherty.