British Comedy Guide

Party Poop


INTERVIEWER: Good evening and welcome to 'Nightnews'. It is a pleasure and a privilege to welcome my honoured guest, French Prime Minister Monsieur Sarkozy... Monsieur Sarkozy, good evening.

SARKOZY: Good evening.

INTERVIEWER: Monsieur, following your victory against the Socialists you made a controversial speech demanding a systematic reconstruction of France.


INTERVIEWER: You urged the country to confront the demands of modern society by adopting a more dynamic work ethic, and controversially retrenched into industries such as Alstom. Further, you pledged a revolutionary set of reforms placing tremendous emphasis against prejudice and especially racism, despite your previous anti-immigration stance. So my first question is, What's it like rogering Carla Bruni?

SARKOZY: Pardon?

INTERVIEWER: The singlest gorgeousest most shaggablest woman on telly and you roger her. Howja do it?

SARKOZY: I came here to discuss the reforms.

INTERVIEWER: Howjado it? I mean look atcha, you're hardly a looker, she got a thing about spindly balding froggies or something…

SARKOZY: Please. The reforms.

INTERVIEWER: Oh all right. But she's so fit, she's so damn hot, she…

SARKOZY: In these measures I committed to the struggle against racism.

INTERVIEWER: Yeah I betcha did, knocking off that hot Italian. Let 'er in boys, let 'er…

SARKOZY: Which in no way undermines my feelings on immigration. For while I favour positive discrimination in employment…

INTERVIEWER: Zey are discriminating against me! I Am not French, ooh-la-la, Carla Bruni she will not go to ze bed wiz me…

SARKOZY: And ordered extensive programs to reconstruct our mosques...

INTERVIEWER: Yeah all those sultry birds in veils, great. What's Carla like, does she dress up, veil, belly-dance, oh Monsieur President, I am naughty girl, please take me to Heaven and back…

SARKOZY: I am only partly behind the European Union. For instance, I disavow the traditional Franco-Germanic alliance.

INTERVIEWER: Yeah better have the Italians enter eh? Or better still, have you enter an…

SARKOZY: Okay I admit it. Carla is hot, she is so sexy, she is - how say you - hornsome hunk of woman. She make big sex, she make funny noise - urgh, uuurrgggh, uuurrrrggghhh - she dress up like bad girl and whip me and say I no love her unless I tear ze clothes off and burn zem in big fire outside Parliament and hump savagely till ze sun come up and I take naughty photo for porno.

INTERVIEWER: I think you're getting off the point.

SARKOZY: Oh this is ridiculous. (leaves)

INTERVIEWER: Well - viewers I must apologise. But please join me after the break when I'll be discussing popular music with Mr Doherty.

It's got a very nice flow, that makes good use of it's length (ooh er), the characterisation is fantastic.

How ever weak final punch line.

Thank you Sir! You're right about the punchline, better brainstorm some new ideas. Have a great weekend.

Just switch for another ugly pug with a hottie missus.

Paul McCartney and that American model he's getting it on with?

And it's in the provisional Treason running well done sir!

Quote: sootyj @ July 2 2008, 12:18 AM BST

And it's in the provisional Treason running well done sir!

Thank you Sir! Didn't make it in the end, they used this 'un (which I think is far weaker actually):


Customer enters, walks to the attendant at the counter.

CUSTOMER Hi I just filled my car up. Petrol pump number six…

ATTENDANT Ah yes, you took ten pounds' worth of petrol… That's twenty pounds please.


ATTENDANT Inflation. And don't just stand there, it'll go up again.


ATTENDANT That's thirty pounds… Forty…


ATTENDANT I can't. Fifty… Sixty… They're really pumping up the price!


ATTENDANT (laughs) Pumping - petrol pump - that's marvellous…

CUSTOMER Right I'm leaving.

ATTENDANT But Sir! I'm joking.

CUSTOMER I'm sorry?

ATTENDANT I do this because I'm an environmentalist. I encourage people to think twice about using petrol for it is dangerous for our world and our children.

CUSTOMER You're right!

ATTENDANT I even launched an attack on petrolium dealers.


ATTENDANT Petrol bomb… Another joke Sir. So you promise to think about the environment?

CUSTOMER Of course. Thank you.

ATTENDANT Good. (glances at watch) Two thousand pounds please.

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