Tuesday 24th June 2008 3:15am [Edited]
51,287 posts
Who cares what he thinks? It's what his people need that count.
And frankly handing power to a nutty cabal, of white supremacists, as discharging our obligations? That's like asking Mandela to pay rent for his stay in RObin Island. Also our economy has benefited from loan repayments from Zimbabwe for years.
And frankly yes we can be held responsible, and yes we should. A million died in Indian partition.
And we didn't hand power to Mugabe, we handed it to Robert Smith. Like saving a child from Fritzell, and puting it into the care of Fred West.
The very least we can do as a nation is to try and clear up some of the mess we made in Africa.
And no that doesn't mean sending troops.
You're right about the UN, but they never, ever, do anything without some one goading them into it. It should be South Africa, and that's where we should be applying pressure.