Quote: zooo @ June 17 2008, 8:04 PM BSTNope. But I will click on your link.
Quote: Aaron @ June 17 2008, 8:04 PM BSTHeh. Sucking.
>_< I'm dissapointed. So much for cutting remarks...
Quote: zooo @ June 17 2008, 8:04 PM BSTNope. But I will click on your link.
Quote: Aaron @ June 17 2008, 8:04 PM BSTHeh. Sucking.
>_< I'm dissapointed. So much for cutting remarks...
Quote: zooo @ June 17 2008, 8:04 PM BSTMy boobsies are smaller?
New word.
Now that is a hot new word! I shall insert it into my daily vocabulary .... now.
Oh god no!
Quote: Charly @ June 17 2008, 8:05 PM BST>_< I'm dissapointed. So much for cutting remarks...
What's the difference between a nun praying, and a nun in the bath?
One's got hope in her soul, the other...
GAH! >_< >_< >_<
haha! She's got soap up her arse!
We have soiled the Doctor Who thread.
Quote: zooo @ June 17 2008, 8:09 PM BST
We have soiled the Doctor Who thread.
Would it be better if it was zooo + the Doctor, rather than nun + soap?
It would be on topic!
But let's not bring Topics into this...
Soap's bad enough.
Messed up. Oh dear. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to spoil anyone's fun.
I think I'm going to ban myself from BSG for a week.
Quote: Alan C @ June 17 2008, 10:57 PM BSTChris Tennant: Erm - hello, isn't this my show?
Stop getting him confused with Chris Tarrant!
Stop changing your entire post - I saw your first one missee
Yeah, well, I didn't get what you said!!
S'not my fault you're so confusing.