Monday 16th June 2008 9:07pm
Royal Berkshire
69,991 posts
Quote: PhQnix @ June 16 2008, 6:01 PM BST
The similarities between the government elected and the one in place are few. Besides Labour didn't campaign on the back of "We're going to facilitate crime by doing such and such."
No, not directly, but it's inherent with their principles. And, more to the point, their policies on policing, human rights and the like - which were in manifestos.
In any case, I made no specific mention of the present Government. It's not in the past 12 months that the country's suddenly collapsed.
Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ June 16 2008, 6:03 PM BST
Wow! I think I'd have had my fair share of arguments if I was in that position with one of my friends-but that honestly might be a girl thing.
Almost certainly is, yes.
So that's 13 years at school alone, and I think I knew him beforehand too.