British Comedy Guide

Down with the sun Page 8

Quote: EllieJP @ June 10 2008, 12:49 PM BST

Will I die if I eat it?

Aaarrggghhh! Don't eat the iodiney bread!

I think I might get that on a T-shirt.

Quote: Graham Bandage @ June 10 2008, 12:52 PM BST

I think I might get that on a T-shirt.

Well you won't if you eat it carefully, Whistling nnocently

Quote: Jake How @ June 10 2008, 12:42 PM BST

I agree.

Sun worshipping all of a sudden got a lot cooler (see what I did there)

Leave the How alone, heretic.

I'm off out to sit in the lurverly sun and get me bonce even redder while the pink-skin brigade sit in the shadows Wave

Pink? White, I'll have you know.

Quote: Graham Bandage @ June 10 2008, 1:21 PM BST

Leave the How alone, heretic.

Anybody notice that How is an anagram of Who? Zooo I hope you are paying attention. It is also an anagram of woh. And of artesan. And affordable accomodation.

Don't try to confuse me.

Quote: zooo @ June 10 2008, 1:54 PM BST

Don't try to confuse me.

'How' could I confuse you? You are a deity and I your humble servant. (licks shoe and nibbles on toes)

14.41 update. The sun's still rubbish.

14:43 update. Still rubbish.

14:47 update. Still rubbish, even if it's hiding behind a cloud.

14:59 update. Largely blue skies. Sun still shit.

I don't think the sun is reading this, or he'd have got the picture by now.

15:01 update. Briefly okay, but then cloud passed. Can't zooo do anything about this? I'm starting to wonder if she really is a deity.

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