Well, I'm willig to meet up if others will. I don't mind meeting in London or traveling further as long as I know in advance so I can book holiday with work. Come on. I thought we were all up for all these projects!
A BSG Weekend Get-together. Page 5
Same here, as long as I have some notice it's not a prob. I can make it to London if all the southerners are going to get nose bleeds if they go past Watford.
It's a defence mechanism!
I'll tell you what. If everybody who wants to meet makes a definite commitment in the next couple of days, I'll try and marshall us all to one area on a certain day.
I can be marshalled... but never marsh-mallowed!
Quote: Wildjesusfishkid @ May 4, 2007, 11:07 AMWell, I'm willig to meet up if others will. I don't mind meeting in London or traveling further
As the Fish and I have already met up I see no reason NOT to do it again because it was fun. Yes, that's right - fun! So here's my commitment and all I can add is what about the rest of you guys?
I can do London but not till after the 23rd of May. You cant exclude me its discrimination. I will slit my very own throat.
I can get a cho choo from Berko straight into London and be there within an hour. But I am not going from the Maldives. So WAIT FOR ME!
Berko? Is this some kind of crazy Charley land?
No Its Berkhamsted. In Herts. Look it up on tinternet. Its pretty.
I'm up for it - probably.
yeah yeah sort a date I will jump on the John Deere and see if I make it in time
Quote: Baumski @ May 4, 2007, 7:40 AMI'll stand you a drink
I will hold you to that!
And... i promise to buy you one back at the next meeting when i have established myself back into society and don't carry my life in a rucksack on my back anymore!
And Charley i was born in Berkhamsted... so obviously it is the best place ever!
I disagree. I think you'll find that the best place ever is London.
London Rules!
Don't talk to anyone
Don't look at anyone
Walk quickly
Look important
And most importantly be willing to pay obscene prices for drinks
But I do love London
Quote: ajp29 @ May 5, 2007, 1:42 PMAnd most importantly be willing to pay obscene prices for drinks