I actualy used to tell my boys some wonderful made up fairytales.
I have put one on here for you to pass on to your own children. It's great.
Let me know what you think.
Once upon a time there lived 2 little boy’s called Kyle & Jack.
Kyle & Jack did not realise that underneath their bed lived a big scary monster. With long claws and humungatarian teeth. (mum growls)
Now this scary monster that tears little children to bits, right to the point of shredding and consuming their flesh, only knows when little children are about by them getting out of their beds.
Now wonderful mummy only puts the boy’s to bed when the big scary monster is sleeping. That way he does not know his dinner is right above him. Then mummy only gets the children out of bed when it is safe to do so. However! Should Kyle or Jack get out of their beds in the middle of the night to try and clamber into mummy’s, the big bad evil hungry monster will awaken and gobble them up. In a really slow & painful way. Trust me my lickle Darlings it hurts BAD!!!!
SO THE MORAL TO THIS STORY BOYS IS, Stay in your own f**king beds or the monster will rip out your organs & EAT YOU….