Quote: Gavin @ May 23 2008, 3:13 PM BSTI suppose, but which ever it'll have to pass health and safety first.
and Aaron's disapproving stare by the look of it?!
Quote: Gavin @ May 23 2008, 3:13 PM BSTI suppose, but which ever it'll have to pass health and safety first.
and Aaron's disapproving stare by the look of it?!
Quote: Alan C @ May 23 2008, 3:16 PM BSTand Aaron's disapproving stare by the look of it?!
As long as it involves Zooo he'll be fine.
agreed, let us move on to the pudding-ing.
Quote: Curt @ May 23 2008, 3:23 PM BSTagreed, let us move on to the pudding-ing.
puddingiators are you ready?
Are still talking about Zooo hitting on me in a paddling pool of pudding?
Quote: EllieJP @ May 23 2008, 3:40 PM BSTAre still talking about Zooo hitting on me in a paddling pool of pudding?
they are chuck
Quote: EllieJP @ May 23 2008, 3:40 PM BSTAre still talking about Zooo hitting on me in a paddling pool of pudding?
......yes mam.
Quote: Curt @ May 23 2008, 3:43 PM BST...
......yes mam.
If you weren't North American then Freud would be having a field day with that comment
Moooooooooove on...ain't gonna happen. Neither me or Zooo are into pudding wrestling!
Quote: EllieJP @ May 23 2008, 3:46 PM BSTMoooooooooove on...ain't gonna happen. Neither me or Zooo are into pudding wrestling!
Quote: EllieJP @ May 23 2008, 3:46 PM BSTMoooooooooove on...ain't gonna happen. Neither me or Zooo are into pudding wrestling!
you don't have to wrestle THE pudding you have to wrestle IN the pudding - any better?
Where is Zooo when you need her... Zooo... Zooo... help me!
Quote: Gavin @ May 23 2008, 3:47 PM BSTMud?
By sheer coincidence a new thread has just been started called Dirty Women!
Quote: EllieJP @ May 23 2008, 3:48 PM BSTWhere is Zooo when you need her... Zooo... Zooo... help me!
Dunno about bored during sex I'm now bored thinking bout it.
Anyone doing gardening on the weekend?
Quote: EllieJP @ May 23 2008, 3:46 PM BSTMoooooooooove on...ain't gonna happen. Neither me or Zooo are into pudding wrestling!
sorry mam.