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The Sitcom Project: Devil's Blurb Page 8

Oi you cheeky bugger! It was too. lol

That was a good brief Gavin, I dunno what happened cos last night when I put my last post on your one before wasn't on here but you got a strong outline there for us all to work on. It looks like I'm ignoring your post and put how I thought it should be but honestly I either totally missed your post or it wasn't there when I wrote mine up.

Are you going to assign areas to work on e.g characte development, plot development, someone who can write strong dialogue etc or are we just all gonna throw our paper into the hat?

As a writer my strong points are character development and creative story ideas. My weakest point is definitely dialogue. Maybe if everyone lists their strong and weak points it will help Gavin assign positions

We could just name our group what we are, The British Sitcom group or The Brit Sitters


Ok guys we've lost a day becuase I couldn't access the forum yesterday and start this off so we gotta get our skates on becuase the deadline for the Episode 1 is the 27th so that gives us three days to throw ideas in and to string them together into a story so just chuck anything in this is a brainstorming session more the better...

In regards to the distribution of writers that has all been sorted now and I will be discussing it with the group once this session is completed


Pieces of Dialogue

We did have [insert band name] signed up who knew the bus driver would miss, never mind they got a special pass after the greatest hits album.

Mother signs soul away so daughter can get through to next round in X-Factor. Daughter sounds like a dying elk singig but judges decribe her singing like she was making love to their ear etc....

Soul collector to family
See you, in the semis

Never work around pieces of good dialogue, always get the plot sorted first and then work the dialogue into it.

Hi Martin these are literally just ideas I had they arent intended to have plot based around them or anything just throwing what was in my head out there

Ah okay cool.

Sounds good to me that one. She is a spoilt brat whose parents think she is brilliant and no one else does.

Dad/MUM can sell his/her soul for his/her girls future. Ie if she makes it he does.....VANITY......A VERY DEADLY SIN

(maybe each epo should be based around a sin)

Or as a total coin flip......

Woman is getting to her 50's. Husband has fooked orf with a younger model. She sells her soul for the body/face of a 25 year old. Worth it for the 5 mins of her ex seeing her all fit & yummy.

You gotta admit guys, that would f**king hurt.LOL

Anyhoo No 1 sounds cool.

lol The model one would be envy then the sins is quite a nice idea would sort of give us some constraints to work in. Any more for any more?

it would be nice if we're clever about the selling the souls to get repeat customers, kinda like evil genie they sell souls but never really get what they want

'ello mate. you sold me this soul not more than half and hour ago in good faith, and already I can see that it's just a cheap spirit. That's the last time I buy anything over the internet!

We defo should work around the 7 deadly sins. Are we going 1 victim per epo or more?

We can have a defence lawyer who needs to win a nasty case in order for promotion. Or a wannabe politician.

We all commit these sins everyday. I think maybe the trick will be for Dev & his team to catch people while in the act of commiting or about to commit one, therefore being able to fuel the victims emotions.

Here are the 7 deadly sins just incasey

Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.

Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.

Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.

Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.

Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.

Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.

Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work

Just thought I would stick that up incase any fab ideas arise from it.

Victim (Lust) Before he dies wants to have sex one last time they put up the new girl but he wants Dev, Dev desperately tries to convince him to have something/someone else

PRIDE. A failing student who pretends he has passed all his exams, lies on his CV and is about to get found out and sacked. He trades his soul for the best exam results thus making his CV true.


A woman who looks like she is super rich but she actualy lives in her car. She swans around in Prada and Gucci but basicaly is a tramp. She is way to proud to let people know how she realy lives. Maybe she trades her soul to have her old lifestyle back. Pre infedelity, signing a pre-nup and divorce

An estate agent that lives in one of his clients empty homes, uses his credit cards and basicaly pretends to be his client. He is so envious of his client to the point of wanting to be him. Maybe he trades his soul to become him.

A guy whose brother has it all. The woman he once loved, the boy & girl he always dreamed of. The great job, the big house, the racing car etc. He wants what his brother has. He honestly believes his brother robbed him. Well he did go out with his sister in law first. His feelings escalate out of control & he sells his soul to become him. (souls can be temporarily parked in these cases, ie you can switch souls and park a soul until that person has died)

Gluttony:- man wants to be rich all goes swimmingly until the police come around to check how the money magiced it's way into his account.

Anger:- After finding his girlfirend in bed with another man a man sell his souls for bad things to happen to them, which result in their deaths and he is the prime suspect

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