British Comedy Guide

Murder mystery none topical.



It could have been you colonel Blenkinsopp Lords Cadsworth seduced your wife. Or you Miss Floozy Lord Cadsworth ate your pekinese, to spite you. But mark my words by the end of the night, we will know who the killer is.

Who implanted a Xenomorph into Lord Cadsworths sternum.



Stupid bitch.

Indeedy, it borders on satire does it not?

Is it as bad as I think it is?

Quote: sootyj @ May 19 2008, 11:03 AM BST

Is it as bad as I think it is?

How bad do you think it is?

How long is a piece of string?

Didja like it?

I don't watch The Doctor, so 'Xenomorph' doesn't mean alien to me.
I quite like the simple idea of revealing an obvious culprit. Perhaps someone holding a smoking gun?
(Your punctuation (particularly the use of, and lack of, commas) makes your pieces heavy going for me.)


I was thinking of the facehugger from Alien.

I like the idea, although probably without the alien.

Personally i would go for marple giving her pre detection speech, before turning to one of the suspects and announcing

"However, i believe it was you Mr Prendergast who murdered your very own wife."

Camera pans back to reveal Mr Prendergast sitting on the sofa, covered in blood and holding a dripping dagger.

Mr Prendergast ( turning to the person next to him )
"Well she's got me there" or "She's awfully good isn't she?!

It's quite an old idea, I was trying to do a fresh spin on.

Mary Whitehouse did an ace version with Hannibal Lecter.

You could use, Fred West, Hitler, Fritzell, or a Dalek.

Oddly I like the idea of the Dalek the most.

Hitler though now there's an insanely dark sketch.

So who murdered 12,000,000 Jews, socialists, and homosexuals. I was reading through your book Her Hitler?

Nein it was not me, I was in the drawing room from 1939-45, the butler was a witness, you shvein hund!

I suspect the Holocaust is an area to avoid if you're looking for laughs.

Quote: Barbs @ May 19 2008, 2:55 PM BST

I suspect the Holocaust is an area to avoid if you're looking for laughs.

Possibly true but I did enjoy the Mitchell & Webb sketch:

"Hans...are we...the baddies?"

true - but that was based more on the German army and so didn't make so direct a joke on genocide. It's like you can do a (not very funny) joke on how Mussolini got the trains to run on time, but you might not want to make light of the Italians murdering thousands of Abyssinians.

Oh I dunno Life is Beautiful, the Producers, The Herman Hess comedy laugh in?

Famously meant to be the worst film ever made, I read the lamentable script.

Well, The Day the clown died never got released, so that is probably quite a poor example.

Also, you can make jokes on anything if done skilfully, but a 15 second gag which mentions the holocaust, then reveals Hitler, but has no real point or underlying cleverness probably isn't the best way to do it.

It's like Chris Morris on paedophilia is genius, but that doesn't mean you should do every gag on paedophilia. I doubt he'd want to go and do stand up and say ;I've got a new 11 year old girlfriend, still old enough to bleed...'

To argue by analogy, use a scalpel rather than a sledgehammer.

Incidentally, I quite liked the original sketch, my only problem would be that you are trying to appeal to fans of Marple and also fans of Alien, but they might be two mutually exclusive groups. Draw a Venn diagram of the two groups and there's a big void in the middle.

I think I was just messing with the worst skit in the world idea.

Hitler's quite funny, but in small doses.

I think for Agatha Christ fans, I'd need a giant killer vicar, or maybe a flapper with a chainsaw?

Giant killer vicar, is there a film there?

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