Saturday 17th May 2008 12:13am
Royal Berkshire
69,977 posts
Quote: zooo @ May 16 2008, 8:41 PM BST
When was that?
Was your mum at least pregnant with you? Were you there in spirit?
Well Phantom opened on October 9th 1986. Sooo my mum would have been pregnant then.
Not sure when exactly they saw RHS though. Opened in, er, 1974 I think. Sooo around that time.
Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ May 16 2008, 8:41 PM BST
Your parents are either very lucky, or have friends in high(ish) places...or maybe it was just because of them being the right age to be able to see them at those times.
Haha, all of the above!
Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ May 16 2008, 8:42 PM BST
Maybe you could hear it and it influenced your development somehow...
Almost certainly. Music of the Night (which is a beautiful song) must have permeated the womb, as it is effectively my philosophy.