I loved Sheep in the City! And Ned's Newt.
Things that piss you off Page 160

Look at his little arms and legs!
They make me laugh.
Invader Zim is king

Has he had a barbecue sauce incident?
Gir! My brother's obsessed with Gir right now. I keep getting told "But I loved my piggy! I loved him gooood!"
Quote: Gavin @ May 16 2008, 6:35 PM BSTInvader Zim is king
Abso-f**king-lutely seconded. Best thing Nickelodeon ever did.
bring me piggggs
Or Zim:"They're going to kill us!" Gir: "Yaaaay!" Zim:"No, Gir, that's a BAD thing!" Gir: "Oh...yayyyy!"
Don't even start me on Zim realted facts coz I know...everyything you know that bloody gir picture appears in 14 episodes?
I want to hear more facts!
That there was meant to be a finale that Dib invaded the Urcan home world and Gir kills someone.
Also Invader Stooge moved in with Zim.
But Gir cannot kill!
also episode where Zim looses his back pack and has 10 minutes to live.
I need to see more of it....youtube needed...
That one never got made or the finale they were all planned but Nick pulled the plug.