Pfft! My brother and dad noticed that series ago! lol
What are you watching on TV? Page 93
I fancied her from day 1 she got hotter and hotter then the sitcom ep in that nurse dress but this is even hotter!
Haha I love that episode!
waiting for HEROES!!!
I wonder if Peter Petrelli will take his top off again...?
Yes he does alot
aaagh hes so sexy.
Quote: Gavin @ May 15 2008, 6:22 PM BSTYes he does alot
Your favourite bit, eh Gav?
If it makes you happy, sure I enjoyed it
I'll be watching Midnight Man soon.
Since Peter wasn't even bloody in it this week (grumble) I have taken to Sylar, wearing a black vest and being hot and sweaty and dirty.
This is the new sexy.
no way, Peters way more buffer than sylar!
now im waitin for eastenders. I wonder if Roxys gonna get rid of the baby
I'm watching The Simpsons. Telling my mum I haven't seen it already so she doesn't turn over-Nobody spill the beans!

I just felt my nose to check.