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The Sitcom Project: Devil's Blurb Page 4

I think we need to decide whether or not we will write a series or just a pilot. If we just write a pilot, we'll have to decide how all writers can contribute to the one episode. The idea mentioned above (ala Green Wing) might work.

Hi Lee we havent't finished putting ideas foward yet. So the ideas put foward are by no means what have been accepted as final so if you do have reservation now is definately the time to put them forward and I'm glad you are.

I'm not sure I'd call the thing a wacky twist sitcom though. I mean theres no real reason to mention the work for the devil that could just be picked up by vigilant viewers.

David I like the idea and it does seem to be a popular one and one that is definatly worth looking at.

If it's just the one episode the I suggest One team of writers deal with plot A the other Team deal with plot B.

I want it to be so obscure not even those devilish fiends off the newsnight review would be able to pick up on it's subtle undertones of satanic rituals.

Right then this seems the perfect time to ask what are we looking at as our target audience?

Right from the start I was thinking cbeebies.

Seriously is that a question we need to ask? Our audience will find us.

kids'll pick up devil stuff in a second they can reprogramme the DVD player like it's an etch a Sketch. There seems to be an obvious divides in opinion of direction, I think if we come back to it tomorrow with fresh heads we might be more productive?

Fair enough.

The point I was trying to make is, when ever I see writers or comedians talk about their work, they say it's things that make them laugh and they don't care what other people think but it's great when they find it funny too and you find your audience.

Ahhhhhhhhhh! I see what is happening here. Too many cooks n stuff. However I agree with Leevil yet at the same time i think the audience should know too. So maybe making the newcomer the main character rather than Dev, might twist it in both favours. However The more i see this idea discused the more positive I am towards it. Maybe we should all write a wee pilot and the best should be decided. That way everyone has had a vote on where to take this and how it should go. Or as Gavin has had a major impact on this. I think he should have the deciding factor on the idea as a whole. Look, lets not forget that regardless of opinions this is a group project. We will never wholehartedly agree. Lets just make this project brilliant. We can do that cant we.....Oh and yes I am back from the pub and pissed. Lets put our heads together rather than bang them.xxxx

But we shouldn't patronize our audience, the clues will be there. To be honest I'm just dreading the use of CGI or Dr. Who style make-up.

thats fine Lee, could you put through your interperation of the project so I can get a better understanding on what your suggesting?

Maybe we should all write an interpretation of what we want. So we can all start thinking on the same track.

I mean that'd be perfect just come in with how you thought the project was going to be, mine was just to get the juices flowing guys not the be all and end all we were just bouncing ideas.

So your missions if you choose to accept them. Write your own interpretation of Charley's original idea.

Quote: charley rance @ April 13, 2007, 5:46 PM

I have had an idea for a long time called the Devil's Blurb.I have done some work towards it but thats by the by. Its based on a modern day worker for the Devil, who has to aquire a certain ammount of soul's. He advertises on My Space and You Tube etc. All very modernised.

Remember we do have the dead line of 4.30pm 22nd April, we're not spending forever and a day just bumping ideas no one wants ideas they want finished goods :D

The opening should have a spooky voice going..

"AAAH - Souls...Ha, ha, ha,ha,ha"

Here's some thoughts on team writing and process.

100% Comedy democracy where everybody has an equal say doesn't work for more than teams of about 2.

For bigger teams you need one person in charge, who coordinates the whole project and in the event of a consensus view not being reached, will make the decision. Everyone needs to buy into that agreement up front.

It should be made very clear upfront what the style, tone, premise of the show is and overall approach for working collectively. If people aren't 100% behind that at the beginning they should drop out now - trust me, it will only cause problems later!

Once you have your team agreed, you should agree who owns what - in % terms. Not talking about issuing contracts here, but just so everyone is clear on who gets what to avoid misunderstandings later.

Looking at your structure thus far, one observation is you're carving everything up with individuals (or pair of individuals) writing stuff on their own(s). E.g. you have two different script editors, you should have one.

With this approach, you're likely to get multiple (and potentially inconsistent) writing styles. This could end up in your finished product being confused in it's tone and style. As writer X wrote one scene, Y wrote another. It's not a sketch show that can tolerate different styles.

I would say you're better off all working on everything together as much as you possibly can - within the constraints you have.

You want to find and develop a collective style - industry people look for distinctive and consistent writing.

Finally, I would ask what is your (as a group) overall objective for this project?

Is it to get a sitcom commissioned? Or just to gain writing experience and 'we'll see what happens'.

The former needs lots of commitment, hard work and focus from everybody involved. The latter rarely leads to the former in my experience.

Okay My interpretation is as follows.

Dev Elson sold his soul to Elza Bob in exchange for becoming a big shot gambling exec. He was a cad and a gambler and in awful trouble with gangsters and it was his only way out. He was aproached and in exchange for his wish he sold his soul. He had broken a deadly sin (greed) thus become a candidate.

Somehow or other he had worked out that he only had 1 year left to live and begged for 1 more year. This was granted on condition that he become a soul collector.

The soul collecting trade had taken a nose dive so The BOSS who has to work alongside God decides to go modern and get an office on the ground floor, put his workers in and they try this modern approach of advertising etc.

Due to the law of balance, god places his team of workers on the top floor.

You can only take a soul that has already committed a deadly sin, or that you can goad into committing one. The upstairs office has a right to try and convince the candidate not to do it, or to repent.

Lets face it, according to the Bible, heaven is only open to those who have faith or repent and get faith.

We can do this Leevils way where it is quite subtle, or we can do this out in the open to begin with. I think either way will work great.

I always saw Dev as a cad with no conscience for what he is doing however something or someone happens to change his mind.

I also love the idea of a newcomer who does not quite know what they have got themselves into.

I never imagined creatures though I am not against the idea. Maybe they could be the souls of the real evil people who automatically go to hell.

This is my interpretation in brief, but as I have already stated I don’t mind how we do this. I am just pleased to be aboard.

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