Tuesday 13th May 2008 7:13pm [Edited]
North London
6,162 posts
Yes that's fair enough and a wise warning. That's hardly due to having a Mac rather than Windows though is it ?
I keep two copies of my data, one on my Mac itself, one on my external hard drive. It seems unlikely that I would lose both at the same time, except in a house fire or something, in which case I will have worse things to worry about than losing my crappy scripts.
NB If I was about to wipe my Mac hard drive as your customers describe, I'd probably make sure to burn the data from it onto DVDs or something first, in addition to having the MyBook.
>That's hardly due to having a Mac rather than Windows though is it ?
Exactly, but then that message was not about a quote about a Mac anyway.
Apple Macs are no less likely to fail miserably than Windows PCs. If 'your' recovery strategy is "I always use a Mac, so don't need to backup" you are in for an aweful shock one day.
I've seen the awful shock syndrome now (for all sorts of computers) so many times that I have a special phrase for it. I call it "The Day of Realisation". It's the day when an individual really truly realises the meaning of the backup process.
>It seems unlikely that I would lose both at the same time, except in a house fire or something,
You are forgetting an important situation, the case when the computer fails miserably WHILE IT IS DOING A BACKUP. This can take out both your computer AND your single backup device, or your computer has just wiped the backup storage area in preparation for doing a new backup.
SHRUG: Would you trust your bank account to a bank with a backup strategy like yours???