I know the sketch project is the main BCG/BSG sketch project and I agree that it will be something special, but I was thinking that while they get all that setup we can maybe try and pool some of the different talents around we have here and produce a pilot in a different way.
I've been fortunate enough to work with a few sketch shows of late and can see that an easier way to produce one is to have a couple of producers look over scripts and choose a shows worth, then we try and get some performers, a cameraman and an editor. From what I've seen on here, all that talent exists on these boards.
So my proposal is to try and pool together any interested parties:
Editors (anyone who knows how to edit footage)
Cameraman (anyone who can point and click)
Another producer (preferably with some experience)
And see where we go from there. Some of you will be able to do all of the above, some of you (like me) might need some of the above so this will be a good opportunity.
I'm happy to organise it all (as a single person really needs to) and be a producer/scriptwriter possibly performer. And if anyone is interested in joining me then great. I know this can work and maybe we can have a BCG get-together after filming?
Just state your interest and possible role(s).
Get your work filmed in our sketch show Pilot!
Deadline: 9th June 2008