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BNP honesty



I called Black People pickaninnies, and hired racist columnists whilst editing The Spectator. But don't vote for the BNP they really are racist.


I've invited Islamic speakers to London who want to kill all Jews, called a Jewish journalist a concentration guard, and hired Lee Jasper an incompetent serial shagger as my race adviser. But don't vote BNP they're racist.



I'm Nick Griffin, toad faced head of the BNP, and I am a racist. Isn't it sad how refrshing that sounds.

If you could expand on this and do it like the TW3 "Class" sketch, I reckon you'd be on to a winner.


Yeah, this is really good but needs expanding somehow

This is reactionary shit sooty. It needs expanding into the bin.

Hmm thanks guys, and for once Godot I'm disagreeing with one of my critics.

It mya not be hugely funny, but it reflects something as a part time socialist I really believe. And some times humour is more about belief, than laughs.

I am sick of the way two mayors with dubious race records (and yes that includes Ken), can say I'm nor racist I oppose the BNP.

There's something depressing about how close the BNP is becoming the only party that speaks for the working class (of any race).

Quote: sootyj @ April 27 2008, 8:29 AM BST

There's something depressing about how close the BNP is becoming the only party that speaks for the working class (of any race).

i'd imagine many working class people would be pretty offended by that.

The sketch just felt like 90% issue and 10% comedy.

Fair comment, and with the 10p tax rate. They probably join the large number like me who wish they did. Check out BNP's current election bumf, there's actually very little on race (granted except immigration).
But this is a gouvernment that's holding public sector pay under inflation, and actively encouraging switching to agency employers.

People vote for parties that don't represent them. They're smart enough to do it, and smart enough to resent it.

Quote: sootyj @ April 27 2008, 10:31 AM BST

Check out BNP's current election bumf, there's actually very little on race (granted except immigration).

Thats like saying check out the herbal essences shampoo advert, it gives you an orgasm!

"And some times humour is more about belief, than laughs."

Are you David Brent? Coz that's the kind of thing he would say.

The BNP don't talk about race too much in the run up to the election, but don't be under any illusions that if the unimaginable happened and they got in it wouldn't become the key issue. But, if you want to vote for a party that openly admits to actively opposing interracial marriage then so be it.

But, back to the comedy. It reads like an advert for the BNP more than a sketch. There's no joke here, just, dare I say it, a rather studenty attack on the main two candidates. If you're going to attempt political satire you need to be far sharper. It's why I don't really bother with political satire - there are people who are great at it and incredibly well informed. They can make insights and assessments that are beyond the casual political observer. It's a difficult market to enter.

So is Sheringham's on a Saturday morning in season. The tourists come in by coachloads.

It's not one of my stronger efforts Barbs, but I like to think I've written better.

It's jsut that bloody Thatcherite attitude, of as long as I'm not actually a Nazi, I can be as raist a I like.

Gets my goat.

And no Dick, I'm not David Brent, he just wishes he was me.

KJS's idea would be good. I liked it.

And it's not just the working class sootyj - there are plenty of people who are sick to death of mainstream middle politics. Labour or Conservative what does it matter? They're all a bunch of useless, selserving gits.

I think I will follow it, and have Griffin end with "I'm a racist," in each interaction.

You're right about all classes, but I think I was particularly inspired by articles a few months ago on. Why the BNP are appealing to former traditional Labour voters. Tax credits, and PFI are horribly Thatcherite.

I mean in fairness if you're middle class or rich, you may have done quite well under Labour.

what does working class mean nowadays?

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