Tuesday 22nd April 2008 1:37pm
Royal Berkshire
69,991 posts
Quote: Richard Wells @ April 22 2008, 12:51 AM BST
Has anybody been watching the repeats of Spitting Image on Paramount 2 on Tuesday nights as I've just noticed it's not on this week.
I was hoping they would show every series from series 1 to the very last series but I guess that was a bit naive of me to think that.
Anyway what series number did they stop at last week as I'm not sure?
Well, it's been on for 11 weeks, double billed, so 22 episodes. How many of those were repeats I don't know, but at very least they've shown the entire first series (I'm not sure of the length of that offhand though).
I'd be surprised if they don't move onto the rest, in due course.
Quote: deian @ April 22 2008, 9:28 AM BST
... series 2 ... is the next DVD release I believe.

See Amazon product listing [p=http://www.play.com/DVD/DVD/4-/5260995/Spitting-Image-Series-2/Product.html]